Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Watching telly after school

Watching telly after school,  2000, oil on linen

I'm happy

no-one else is home yet
I can watch whatever I like
no-one is going to hassle me

later I'll have a bowl
at the fruit-crate wicket
in front of the metal garage door
in the driveway
bang, bang

imaginery test cricket

Surf girl and dog

Surf girl and dog, 2000, oil on line

It's one of those days
warm, light breeze, crystal water
the waves rolling in,
perfect barrels.

He loves the beach,
the smell of the sea and the sand,
the feel of the sun on his back.

He'll go for a dip in a bit.

Dead end shoot-out

Dead end shoot-out,  2000, oil on linen, exhibited as part of Spaces between at Marios, Fitzroy

woo hoo

the air thick with gun smoke,
caps busting like crazy,
the noise, the fun

we never run out of ammo,
we never take cover

the dogs don't take much notice

Covering the getaway

Covering the getaway, 2000, oil on linen, exhibited as part of Spaces between at Marios, Fitzroy

braced against the lane entrance,
she's ready
as the gang skedaddles
into the shadows
up, over, down, through

Two shapes, one red, one yellow

Two shapes, one red, one yellow,  2000, oil on linen, exhibited as part of Spaces between at Marios, Fitzroy

the alley's in shadow
the sky is full
with bright rain
ready to fall
to gather on roofs
to flood gutters
to splash from down-pipes
onto the lane floor
and plunge
through the bars of the drain

he sits